Wet Molting birds are less than attractive.

This week I have seen Yellow/Silver, Yellow/WhiteSilver , White/WhiteSilver, Silver, BlueRed/or was it RedBlue ... MangledFoot, White/WhiteSilver, --/WhiteSilver, RedWhite/WhiteSilver, WhiteRed/WhiteSilver, BentFoot and either maxi gap or Dom Max. I think it is Maxi gap. Appears to have a bit of a twist at the tip of beak and mandible is a tad longer than maxilla. And he/she looks old.

I know I have seen Blue White and White Blue recently but do not recall seeing them during the past few days
Yellow/WhiteSilver I am afraid it is the one who now has a broken ankle. For the past 2 or 3 days I haven't seen him or her again.
The crows are coming to eat in my yard in shifts. Some will come several times during the day, but I am certain there are several different groups that are taking turns. If there is no food an adult will caw a few times and if I do not respond one or more will sometimes come and nag me at my bedroom window. There are still some young crows with baby voices that always catch my attention when they beg and that usually drags me out of bed also (I've spent a lot of time horizontal lately).
There are baby rabbits that some teen boys have made more vulnerable to preditors by moving the rocks around trying to access the nest so they could catch some of the bunnies. i am certain they caught at least one and put it in a box before I arrived. there were pretty thick tufts of fur at teh nest entrance. Pisses me off that parents do not teach their kids to be gentle and kind to animals. Ive seen teens try to run rabbits down on their bikes and with cars. Angers me.
White and tan rabbit is pretty comfortable around people and surprised me by approaching and eating out of my hand. Has also gently nibbles on my finger tips a couple of times. I have no idea what the message is because it followed when I started to slowly move my hand back thinking it had had enough
The alpha male of the group - the old looking charcoal gray rabbit with the infected eye - chased off the white a tan rabbit yesterday late afternoon. Usually he is trying to mount it so I was surprised. Instead he was following the black one around. There is a smallish tan one that may be a young adult and I have wondered if it is the parent of the new litter of bunnies. they are tan or black. I haven't seen the solid white one.
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