boys harassing baby rabbits . The boys were trying to kick in tunnels and removed large rocks that were helping shelter a nest of baby rabbits. They caught and took away at least one and left the others partially exposed one both side of the nest.

I tried to talk them out of pursuing the rabbits. I was very concerned one would be injured. I refer to their behavior as harassment , but that was not their intent. They just wanted to catch and keep some of the baby rabbits. They did not realize that they were being cruel.

This was the now partially exposed rabbit nest. I used a telephoto lens and had to sharpen the pic some to make it viewable. You can see fruit they used to try to coax the babies out of the nest
My living room window looks out on the park.over the summer I often saw the children of campers chasing the rabbits while they tried to graze. I sometimes walked down there and gave them a bag of broccoli, parsley, and baby carrots to try to feed the rabbits hoping both they and the rabbits would come to some sort of mutually beneficial arrangement lol.I just hated watching the rabbits be chased.
October 15:
About 2 weeks ago I ran into one of the youth with a different friend trying to catch the last baby rabbit. He told me the rabbit his other friend caught had died, but not because of anything the boy did or didn't do, he assured me. *cough* Right. He had done no research about rabbit care and had fed it lettuce. Exclusively. I did not ask questions. Did not want to know
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