The rabbit approached me yesterday! The black one. came right up to me. I wanted to lift my hand and pet it but did not want to scare it off. It had turned up its nose at apple slices Id brought it the day before - that was a first. This time I was putting out a bowl with pellets in it - in past the bunny has seemed ambivalent about pellets but it dug right in. It has been spending hours during the day under that tree which surprised me because it is neither well hidden or protected - that is where the other one was attacked by someone's dog
July 23 Rabbit nudged my hand when I was putting down a piece each of broccoli, carrot, celery and parsley . I still resist trying to pet it. With difficulty. lol
July 24, 2008 Yesterday from my living room window I saw several baby rabbits opn Tsunami Row so I walked down there and there were 5 that I saw: Two black, 2 tan and white, and one gray. The mom is black and the one male I see her with is brownish gray. The babies were so cute! They were running among the rocks throughout the entire area around the Iditarod Monument on Tsunami Row. When out eating what little grass there is there they seem awfully exposed. And the mom's daytime hideout seems pretty far away but I guess she can hear them from here and be there in about 30 seconds running. The babies were adorable..

WRWS and mate (above) returned and I obtained focused photo that proves the mate is not who i thought he was. I have no name for him (yet) and am not sure yet if I will be able to identify him when among others. It will take time watching and photographing him to find quirks of behavior or markings that will distinguish him - beside the poor grooming which could change without my knowing about it and he'd be lost to my awareness unless I picked up on his frequent proximity to WRWS
Excerpt from a previous post:
WRWS's mate is not MaxiGap or Maxilla , but he sure has a set of tattered looking feathers and seems like he needs a heavy dose of allo-preening. They were at the feeder yesterday afternoon several times - I put out more peanuts. I got a clearer photo this time (one out of about 12! I am a disgrace to photographers the world over LOL). WRWS comes closer to me than her mate. I realized yesterday that some birds really do make good eye contact. I am not sure why that seems odd to notice. They seem to be looking into my eyes - not at my hands or anywhere else 9at the moments when I think they've made eye contact ) and they do that when cawing at me to feed them - or staring at me intently when i am in car and they watch me through windshield waiting expectantly. I wonder what they are thinking. They seem sentient
Yesterday late afternoon WRWS and Mate were harassing two ravens that often in habit the tree by the dumpster. They kept at if for a solid 15 minutes while i was bringing things in from the car then walked down the street and back. no telling how long they persisted. poor ravens. They would try to fly from the tree and the crows would swoop down and the raven would spin over on its back mid air I suppose to try to defend against attack , then would retreat back to the tree again only to begin the dance again. I have to say the ravens probably had it coming. I've seen ravens harass eagles perched in trees , sidling up to them and tugging on feathers. Then again these ravens may have been the fledglings that have been hanging around back for a couple of weeks.

There is a family of starling jays that spend much of the day in the tree outside my bedroom window now - at least 3 fledglings and I thought I saw 5. They are not yet wary of me and come right up to me if I am sitting out front. There are also some magpie fledglings that dine at the feeder out back.


The pink in the mouth is one way to tell this is a young bird
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