Crows are beginning to congregate again. They've been gone for nearly 3 months. My theory is that the parents and or family members are branching out in search of food because fledglings are eating more and are also more independent so do not need the adults to stay so close to the nesting areas.

Today I heard a group of crows on my street and could see 4 of them so I leaned out the window and called "MangledFoot". Much to my surprise around 20 crows descended on my yard, some from the Wooded Campground group and a few I haven't seen all summer. Based on their voices I think they may have brought along a couple of fledglings. There is one with a mangled foot that looks different from mangled foot's

YellowWhiteSilver, BlueWhiteWhiteSilver, MaxiGap, WhiteRedWhiteSilver, Silver and I could have sworn RedWhiteWhiteSilver were among the group. Unfortunately I didn't think to grab the camera until they had already begun to disperse. A bunch of seagulls came along with them - I guess they have learned stick with the crows then steal their food.

I do not know if these crows were all serving sentry duty or were waiting for the sea gulls to leave

There has been a marked increase in fledgling magpies suddenly hanging around my feeder and the fledgling starling jays are still here.
The rabbit nudged me several times today and let me pet it briefly - I barely touched it I was so afraid of scaring it. I like it when it nudges my hand. Feel like I have earned her trust.. I do not think she likes celery stalks - only the leafy part. She loves parsley. Broccoli it depends on her mood. Humorously, a magpie stole a piece of broccoli. I wonder if it will eat it.
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