Sunday, July 27, 2008

BYWS, RWWS & family in Back yard

I have no idea where some of this group has been hanging out all summer, but Tsunami row and surrounding area is part of their daily circuit now.

Finally I got a pic of RedWhiteWhiteSilver so am positive I've been seeing RWWS . The crow still has a bit of a limp but the foot seems to have partially healed somehow. I'm happy about that.

They had a fledgling with them. I kept hearing it but did not know which one it was until I looked at uploaded photos. I never saw the pink mouth and I was looking! Seems I need glasses for midrange viewing now.
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From what I have read the crows forage in family groups until they come together in a large flock in winter. This group had BWWS BYWS YWS BentFoot , RWWS and of course other unbanded crows. BentFoot has a mangled foot - toes are almost tucked under the foot, and this crow is not MangledFoot. I think Bent Foot is also female and Ive observed her feeding fledglings during the past few days in my back yard.

YWS is in the tree - I think that is a fledgling on the ground

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